Up, up and away


The last time I boarded a flight I was seated in the middle seat of the last row, surrounded by a band of Jamaicans from Manchester on their way home from a gig in St Petersburg, Russia.  While initially things were off to a good start, things escalated quickly when one member of the band realised he and his girlfriend would be separated for an entire two hours. Shouting, swearing and pushing ensued until I relocated to the front of the plane and the lovely couple was escorted off the plane by the police. 

Needless to say I await with some trepidation to see who will sit in the as yet unoccupied seat to my left. 

Aaaaah. Business traveler with a sense of humour. Exhale. 

When I arrived in London many moons ago, back in the days when I couldn't tell a bank from a grocery store and my closest friend was 1000+ miles away, I booked a shitload of vacations to look forward should the going get tough. Lisbon is the last in a procession of trips booked those first couple weeks to different variations of my happy place (the beach, could you guess?) 

When I get back I have some serious planning to do. But in the meantime, time to power down. Next stop: Lisbon to meet Miss Sammie Silberberg!